I recently watched ‘Our Souls at Night’ an American romantic drama film revolving round senior citizens which is directed by Ritesh Batra. It is based on the novel of same name by Kent Haruf. The film stars Jane Fonda and Robert Redford.
The plot of the movie goes like this: Addie Moore (Jane Fonda) a widow and Louis Waters (Robert Redford), a widower, have lived next door to each other for years. Addie one night goes to her neighbour’s house trying to make a connection with him. Initially, Addie shocks Luis with a request for which he is not prepared or even can think about a weird idea of sleeping with her in bed. She persuades him to sleep together to kill loneliness in night; the two begin sleeping in bed together sexlessly, with an innocent goal of easing their loneliness.
There are several reasons why it’s hard to fall asleep alone; sleep anxiety, worries, uncertainties create discomfort sleeping alone or a general fear of falling asleep. Addie and Louis get friendlier and their relationship deepens. They discuss with each other how they have dealt with grieves and losses, and a real romance begins to blossom. The plot really makes the viewer realise in some scenes that age is just a number.
The movie is made very aesthetically and thoughtfully; the key ingredients of the movie in terms of the acting, directing, the script, cinematography, and overall production tells the viewer one cohesive, entertaining, and impactful story. The characters are so real that we easily connect with them. We all need social connections to survive and thrive in life. But as we age, we become lonely spending more time alone. And, being alone leaves us – older adults more vulnerable and isolated which affects us cognitively and physically. Countless studies have shown that loneliness and social isolation are associated with higher risks for health problems such as heart disease, depression, forgetfulness, aches and pains etc.
The number of older adults above age 65 and older is growing, and many are socially isolated and regularly feel lonely. The Covid pandemic outbreak in 2020 brought even more challenges due to health considerations and the need to practice physical distancing.
Loneliness and social isolation are different, but interrelated. Loneliness is the distressing feeling of being alone or separated. Social isolation is the lack of social contacts. When people have even few contacts to interact with regularly, they feel allied. Some people can live alone and not feel lonely or socially isolated, and some feel lonely while being with other people. Loneliness is a sad reality of modern life. The problem is even more severe among the elderly who for a variety of reasons get drifting from their social networks and communities as they age.
Ritesh Batra has made a movie about people living alone in their senior years; it’s not sad and tearful movie. It is truthful because of great actors and great story. Both Robert Redford and Jane Fonda are very convincing, very inspiring on the screen. Their portrayal of widow and widower finding companionship is very sincere and innocent. The movie warmed my heart and I could relate to their struggle to have a good healthy relationship in older years. The movie is a good feel movie. It is inspiring for elderly people who seek companionship for a healthy life. The movie is entertaining, warm and at times touching.
In the last part of the movie, Addie is hospitalized after a fall. Her son Gene attempts to persuade her to move in with him, which Addie initially refuses. However, when she receives a distressed phone call from Jamie, Gene’s son in the middle of the night, she feels family must come first and decides to move in with Gene and Jamie. This decision of her disturbs the viewers; but another fact of modern life is also that often people who are deprived of family love and affection fare worse than those who have the love and support of family.