Eating is one of our daily chores. It’s a necessity of life to take in nutrition, water and filler to maintain life. We all like to intake our daily eating requirements in a palatable way so that we enjoy the act of eating. We need to be alert that we don’t binge and overeat; when someone feels compelled to eat when they are not hungry and who cannot stop when they have had enough, the habit needs to be controlled. Similarly, many people under-eat for a while, what is commonly known as “dieting”. Under-eating for a short while in someone who is broadly a healthy weight will do little damage, but for some people under-eating becomes a way of life. When someone eliminates specific food groups such as all fat or all carbohydrate because of health fears, or fear of putting on weight, or when someone suffers from bulimia (who is afraid that if they were to start eating they would go out of control) is damaging to mind and body both. Mindful eating is the healthiest way of living life.
Mindful eating means paying attention to an eating experience with all of our senses; seeing, tasting, hearing, smelling, feeling while witnessing the emotional and physical responses that take place before, during and after the eating experience. It means allowing yourself to become aware of the positive and nurturing opportunities that are available through food selection and training by respecting your own inner wisdom. It requires using all your senses in choosing to eat food that is both fulfilling and nourishing to your body. It also requires acknowledging responses to food such as likes, dislikes, or neutral without conclusion.
What is mindfulness? It is deliberately paying attention, being fully aware of what is happening both inside and outside you: in your body, heart and mind and outside you in your surrounding environment. Mindfulness is awareness without any criticism or judgement.
Mindful eating involves paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking, both inside and outside the body. We pay attention to the colors, aromas, temperature of food, textures, flavours, size and shape and even the sounds (crunching) of our food. We pay attention to the experience of the body. Where in the body do we feel hunger? Where do we feel satisfaction? What does half-full or half empty feel like? What does one do after eating?
In mindful eating, we also pay attention to the mind, avoiding judgement or criticism. In my opinion, when we watch TV, read a book, chitchat on phone while eating, our mind gets distracted. We stop paying attention to our eating. We act on an impulse, by withdrawing the right attention to our eating or drinking.
Though a daily chore, eating and drinking affects our mood. Fibre foods like complex carbohydrates that contain soluble fiber can slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream and increase serotonin, the “feel good” chemical, both of which decrease mood swings. You can find healthy amounts of fiber in leafy vegetables, fruits, and in some root vegetables. Eating regular meals and snacks at the same times every day helps keep blood sugar levels steady. Eating at regular intervals helps to ensure that the body has a continuous source of fuel, and this may assist in keeping your mood stable.
According the adage, its better late than never the old habits of eating and not paying attention to eating can be changed with little practice. Don’t try to make drastic changes. Lasting change takes time, and is built on many small changes. There is a clear relationship between food and your state of mind. Try to understand your body’s needs. When you combine strategies for eating regularly with foods that may have a positive effect on your well-being, you can plan meals that may help you to feel better. You can also avoid foods that may make you feel not so good. Pay attention to what is good and not good for you to eat and drink.
Begin mindful eating, to remain happy and healthy.
Give priority to your mealtimes.
Take 15 minutes to sit down and enjoy your meal.
Avoid distractions whilst eating.
Always sit down for meal. Try to avoid eating standing up or in front of the fridge.
Serve your food onto a plate/bowl.
Try to avoid eating food from the packet, ice cream tub, take away container, etc.
Rest your cutlery next to your plate between mouthfuls and make a conscious effort to chew your food thoroughly.
Eat only until you are 80% full, meaning till you feel satisfied, but not overly full.
For a healthy body and happy soul self-study, mindfulness, compassion, awareness of our mind and body matters; for this, understanding our relationship with eating helps in cultivating a lot of insights. Begin mindful eating right today.