In his ground-breaking book, Blinded by Science, published in 2011, Mathew Silverstone reveals many new evidences to prove that in so many ways we damage our health blindly following science and technology. He talks about how trees, plants, water, the sun and the moon can all play a role in our daily lives to make feel good and balancing our lives. We therefore need to take good care of environment because the ecosystem including all the communities of living organisms found in a specific place, their habitats and their interactions in which we live provides natural services for humans and all other species that are essential to our health, quality of life and survival. We must for our good nurture Mother Nature.
We are so blinded by science & technology that we ignore our environment totally. Our over dependence on medical science blinds us to so many side effects because of consuming them; drugs interfere with the way neurons send, receive, and process signals via neurotransmitters in our body. We blindly consume drugs as per prescription without a second thought. Their chemical structure has uncountable side effects on our body that work inside the gastrointestinal system. Most drugs can cause nausea or an upset stomach. For drugs used on our skin, rashes and irritation is a common complain,
Has science explained all facts of the world we live in? It’s worth noting why Matthew Silverstone, a serial entrepreneur wrote this record breaking book when his career came to a halt midway because of a rare illness of his son, Mathew and his wife had to give rest to their careers to take care of their son. The boy was going down steadily with hardly any energy to do anything even in early mornings. When a friend suggested that junior Silverstone should hug a tree in the garden daily for long periods of time, the father and mother mocked the friend with their exposure to “scientific” facts.
The distressed son however took Silverstone’s friend’s advice
religiously. As the son gradually improved to the sheer cynicism of both the
parents, they wanted to know what he does. They saw him hugging a tree in their
garden every morning for an hour. Boy recovered completely. The father wanted
to know if there is any “scientific” basis for this subjective miracle.
Although Mathew is not a PhD or MD, he became a shade better than
both of those put together.
He started questioning everything that he had been told about science. He comes from a very traditional medical background, both his brother and father are Professors of medicine, so it was not easy for him to shed off his traditional medical ideas and start questioning the very foundation of these concepts. Once he started to do so, and found that the answers to the questions were not what he thought, he started to treat the whole idea as if it were a new business and spent two years researching and developing the ideas behind his book Blinded by Science.
Science is based on factual data. Each query can be proved with the researched data. What cannot be answered in science but is a factual experience of people goes into the area of metaphysics which is a major branch of philosophy. It concerns existence and the nature of things that exist. Metaphysics is a sum of theory of reality of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality. Physics is usually meant to be a study of our physical world, as far as we can study it by experimentation, things that can be measured, weighed and counted. Whereas, metaphysics (Meta = beyond) attempts to deal with that which is beyond the reach of physics.
Our understanding of metaphysics forms our thinking; how we apply our interpreted perspectives, our awareness to our lives. If someone is asked his/her philosophy regarding the true nature of all things, the answer would be a reflection of how he/she thinks, believes, and feels about self, others, the world, the universe, God, and nature. It would also be an indication of the actions this person takes when faced with decisions in regards to morality, ethics, relationships, work, health, recreation, study, and all aspects of their daily lives.
Mathew Silverstone has covered following chapters in his book:
All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, and resonating, at various frequencies. And ultimately all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields. As such, at every scale, all of nature vibrates.
Water is so much more than we think. Water has ability to retain memory – called water memory. During the 1990’s, Dr. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the substantial effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. Emoto is a Japanese doctor of alternative medicine and a scientist with an open mind. Water can answer so many unsolved questions which science cannot.
Sun & Moon
Sun and moon affect us physiologically; such as our thyroid glands, or sleep pattern, the way we feel. Tides are the result of the gravitational haul from the Moon and Sun that the Earth feels. If we disregard the Sun for now, the Earth’s oceans facing the Moon bulge up in response to the lunar gravitational force: a high tide. The Sun’s influence on tides is just under half as strong as the Moon’s. We cannot imagine life on earth without sun and moon.
Earth’s magnetic field acts as a shield for us! Earth’s magnetic field does not move quickly or reverse often. Therefore, it can be a useful tool for helping people find their way around. For hundreds of years, people have used magnetic compasses to navigate using Earth’s magnetic field. They cause major illnesses such as diabetes, chronic fatigue, balancing of our body etc. Vegetation grow because of earth’s magnetism.
Bees and birds
The decline in the bee population is a catastrophe. If the bee population declines it is very dangerous for our survival. The decline can cause our food supply is in grave danger. Bees allow plants to pollinate and without pollination new plants are not created. If the bees collapse and die out then so does a large proportion of the world’s food supplies. Bees and birds are not only extremely important for humans, but also for entire ecosystems to function.
Our over dependence on technology
The author asks whether the benefits of progress in technology are really worth the damage they are doing to our health? According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) in 1985 the global population of diabetics was thirty million, 0.6% of the world population. This increased to one hundred and seventy one million, (2.8% of the global population) by 2000 and it is expected to more than double to three hundred and sixty six million, (4.5% of the global population) by 2030. Doctors attribute this rise in diabetes to poor diet and limited exercise, resulting in obesity and seldom look for causes other than lifestyle and genetics. We are over dependent on mobile phone and Internet. We are overly dependent on technology. Roots are playing a major role in industry, medical science, education and many other walks of life which is certainly not a good sign. The overuse of technology can lead to our dependence on it, in multiple ways. Let us make an effort to reduce it before it is too late.